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Tech & Social Media

This research group explores social media in a new, yet, dark light and how it affects the U.S. society in various ways. As social media has taken over modern society as a primary source of information for many individuals, the problems that come with this mode of information are made detrimental to all aspects of society including political, social and economic views. Sierra Rabe examines how social media and its effects of the objectification and sexualization of women leads to domestic abuse and tear down women’s mental health. Zahra Vasi studies how the formation of polarized, political “echo chambers” on social media result in an ill-informed public that is unable to make educated, rational decisions regarding the state of their nation. These misinformed voters end up supporting harmful policies and increase inequality in America. Angelica looks at the ways in which certain social media platforms and news outlets choose to portray different political movement groups as well as political violence based on their own biases or agendas.Our discussion of the effects of social media on society addresses the larger matter of mainstream information skewing the perception of the public. Via social media, certain perspectives and stereotypes are set forth as fact, resulting in a paucity of accurate, well-rounded information available to society.


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