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Women in Politics

The 2018 Congressional elections put many strong females into powerful positions, but the 102 women, which was a record number, shows how little female representation within the American House of Representatives, which houses a total of 453 representatives. Although we do have more women in office than ever before, and a rampant feminist wave running through our country led by the new generation of voters, we are still seeing this issue persist. The small number of female representatives in the House can be contributed to the many hurdles and obstacles women face when running for political office.


Questions about sexism in politics are the ones most frequently asked to female candidates. The fact that these questions are being asked more than questions about policy proves that there is a hindrance within the American population when it comes to electing a female, and one that we are fully aware of. In an article written by The Washington Post, a former staff member of Hillary Clinton’s says that once women start getting close to power, unconscious gender bias and sexism “kicks in” (Wang and Linskey.) This could be where questions about the electability of women come from, questions like Elizabeth Warren had to face. Although what she faced is not that extreme, it is the same story for women all over the country who run or have ran for political office in the past. Questions about the possibility of women in office prove that there is a lack of female office holders in our country. This means that there can be no education on them because they simply do not exist.

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