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LGBTQ+ in Healthcare

What is the problem

The LGBTQ+ community faces many problems, but one of the largest is the disparity in health and healthcare. With lower rates of vaccinations and higher rates of mental illness and cancer when compared with other groups is painfully clear that LGBTQ health is suffering.



Why this problem exsists

A history of mistreatment from being gay being referred to as a mental illness (specifically as a sociopathic tendency and a sexual deviation) and the AIDS epidemic ( specifically it being called retribution from god for homosexuals) that has created a bias against LGBTQ


Doctors and medical students are misinformed on how to treat LGBTQ people both in medical school and in current environments. 

Why this is a problem of information

This involves a large amount of misinformation because of bias and the myth of neutrality. The historical bias still holds effect with places like conversion camps and internal biases held by current doctors and medical students. Even with people who are not bias they fall victim to not being as informed on how to treat LGBTQ patients because of the idea that medicine is neutral ignoring that being LGBTQ means you need different things.

Celebrating Gay Pride
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